With over 6 million players in the series, there are a lot of things to uncover. Here is our guide for all those hidden Easter eggs and secrets that may have been missed
The “forsaken easter egg guide” is a quest in the zombie mode of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies. The player must complete this quest to unlock the “Forsaken” map.
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies has had a fantastic run, but everything ultimately comes to an end, unless you’re undead. The beginning of the Dark Aether narrative is drawing to an end with the release of its last map, Forsaken, which is a great level to play around in and includes one of the coolest wonder weapons we’ve ever seen in the Chrysalax. But for now, let’s concentrate on concluding this chapter by completing the primary Easter egg quest in Forsaken.
How to finish the primary Easter egg quest in Forsaken
Before you start,
In this Easter egg hunt, there isn’t much you need to prepare for. This quest may be completed single or in a group, and it will not take long to finish. We’ll be utilizing the Chrysalax wonder weapon as our primary weapon since it’s so awesome, but if you’re playing as a team, use whatever you’re most comfortable with. Field Upgrades are similar; use whichever you like. Ring of Fire or Aether Shroud are our favorite solo games.
Remove the lockdown.
DoubleXP took this screenshot.
We already have a guide on how to Remove the lockdown. in Forsaken, so do that. After Pack-a-Punch has opened up, go to the button on the wall next to the shuttered window and interact with it for a cutscene to play. The man we were aiming to bring back from the Dark Aether was actually the big bad all along, The Forsaken.
Obtain Chrysalax
DoubleXP took this screenshot.
The Chrysalax isn’t essential until later in the steps, but it’s such a powerful weapon that we strongly advise grabbing it as soon as possible for as many teammates as possible. Either use the Trials Machine or the Mystery Box, or make your own.
The next three stages may be carried out in any sequence.
Obtain a Fuel Tank
DoubleXP took this screenshot.
To go inside the bunker, go to Fuel Processing (the spot where you repair the teleporter). You may interact with the consoles on each of the massive canisters. If you’re playing as a group, you’ll need to interact with these consoles at the same time.
When the procedure begins, you will be trapped in this room with a swarm of zombies. All you have to do now is stay alive and slay all of the zombies. This is why the Chrysalax is recommended so you can go through them rapidly. The orange bars on the side of the canisters may be used to track your progress. When finished, the Fuel Tank will fall into the center of the earth.
Obtain a Housing Unit
DoubleXP took this screenshot.
Return to the basement and go to the Board Room via teleportation. A dangling item in one of the corners must be knocked down. To do so, progress the rounds until an Abomination appears. Wait for the item to rush towards you from underneath. Allow the item to collide with the wall, allowing you to grasp the Housing Unit.
DoubleXP took this screenshot.
Obtain the Monitoring System
You’ll need any normal gun with the Deadwire ammunition upgrade from the Pack-a-Punch machine for the following step. It costs 2,000 points to acquire.
Go to the Arcade with the mod and stand next to the Grand Prix machine. Shoot a zombie in front of the machine to electrocute it, and it will switch on. Pay 2,000 points to take control of an ARC-XD by interacting with the machine.
DoubleXP took this screenshot.
You will be positioned in the center of the arcade machines at initially. Drive beneath the flag and out of the arcade, heading towards the TV store across the street. Make your way behind the counter to a vent where the pulse of your automobile will be able to escape. Turn right after driving through the vent to see a shelf. Position yourself to the left of the shelf, leap, and then explode the automobile to push the shelf ahead.
DoubleXP took this screenshot.
DoubleXP took this screenshot.
Go to the TV Store and get the Monitoring Device that is stuck through the wall now that you are returned to yourself.
DoubleXP took this screenshot.
Obtain all three Catalyzed Shards of Crystal
At least one individual must have the Chrysalax to complete this stage. The Amplifier, Staging Area (spawn), and Storage Zone 5 Rooftops all received a massive cluster of Aetherium Crystals once you released the lockdown and started the cutscene.
DoubleXP took this screenshot.
Every cluster has three purple orbs hovering around it. Shoot them with the Chrysalax to eliminate them, but be aware that zombies will sprout in their place. Switch the Chrysalax to its axe form and melee the cluster to smash it after all three orbs have been killed. You will now need to pick up a tiny Crystal Shard item. This will take the place of whatever tactical gear you presently have. There will be an Abomination. That shard must be thrown into one of the Abomination’s jaws. When you do so correctly, the zombie tail will become orange. Kill the Abomination and a Catalyzed Crystal Shard will drop. Rep this process in each of the three places.
DoubleXP took this screenshot.
DoubleXP took this screenshot.
If you kill the Abomination too soon or miss your throw, just return to the cluster and pick up another shard.
The Aetherium Neutralizer must be guided.
This is the moment when there is no turning back. There will be another opportunity to improve weapons and get perks in the future, but for now, we suggest obtaining decent armor and all of your perks. Also, try to pack as much punch into the Chrysalax as possible. You should also store some points for the next checkpoint, since you won’t receive much here.
To build the Aetherium Neutralizer, go to Main Street and interact with the Workbench in the center of the road. You’ll have to wait for the gadget to charge before you can play it, and all of the characters will be chatting to each other. Simply kill zombies as they appear. The Neutralizer will release a blast when it is ready, clearing the debris.
If you’ve completed the second primary Easter egg quest in Outbreak, you’ll be familiar with the following phase. The Neutralizer creates a safe zone in which you may stroll without fear of being wounded. However, zombies will attack you as you move with the Neutralizer, and it will shortly run out of fuel. You must leave the secure zone and seek for orange crystals. When you break them, additional Catalyzed Crystal Shards fall out. To keep it running, pick them up and dump them in the Neutralizer.
DoubleXP took this screenshot.
The more you travel, the more zombies appear, making solo play extremely difficult. Outside the bubble hurts, and zombies race inside the bubble, so there aren’t many places to flee to restore your health. Simply do your utmost to kill zombies as they attack you. If you’re playing in a group, the Neutralizer won’t move until all of your teammates are within the safe zone.
The Neutralizer will turn off when you reach the end of the road, and the Pack-a-Punch machine and Wunderfizz will arrive. To begin the final boss encounter, gather supplies and interact with the door in front of you.
Defeat The Forsaken
This boss battle is really simple, and there is no time constraint to contend with. To begin, sprint ahead and fire the crystals from the shoulders of both Forsaken. You must now follow Samantha Maxis about the environment, killing zombies inside the purple aura that surrounds her. This will charge Sam’s essence, which she will deposit in one of the two large weapons on the area’s left or right sides. Ascend to the cannon and point it towards the now-red blazing shoulders. If you don’t hit it hard enough, just repeat the essence charging procedure. He could regain his health, but it’s nothing to be concerned about.
DoubleXP took this screenshot.
DoubleXP took this screenshot.
DoubleXP took this screenshot.
Shoot both shoulders, and when the Forsaken is half-health, the combat will be interrupted for a short while while the Forsaken offers you a vision. The combat resumes after Samantha rescues you.
Shoot at the Forsaken’s abs in the second portion of the battle to shatter the crystals there, then repeat the essence charging procedure. When his abs have suffered enough punishment, the final target is his head.
DoubleXP took this screenshot.
DoubleXP took this screenshot.
DoubleXP took this screenshot.
As previously indicated, this boss battle is pretty straightforward. To finish him off, just do shoulders, abs, and head. If you’re out of ammunition, fight higher-tiered opponents such as Manglers or Mimics, and they’ll drop some for you. The Forsaken may use area-of-effect attacks such as a freezing storm and orbs, but just evade them and leap within Samantha’s radius when you can. With no time constraint, you have all the time in the world and must concentrate only on survival.
Once the Forsaken has been beaten, he will unleash global Outbreaks, causing you and your crew to progressively deteriorate and die. Don’t worry; a cutscene will appear shortly, and you’ll have completed the major Easter egg quest in Forsaken.
DoubleXP took this screenshot.
The “cold war zombies easter egg firebase z” is a quest in Call of Duty: Black Ops. It is the main Easter egg in the game, and it can be found by completing all the other quests.
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