The best blind pick jungler is a player who can adapt to the game as it moves. They are able to react and counter their opponents’ strategies because they don’t have any information on what role they will end up playing, or how many champions they’ll need in each lane.
The “best blind pick junglers s12” is a list of the best junglers in League of Legends. The list includes champions from each role and their win rates by position.
Choosing your champion first in League is far from advantageous since you have no clue what opponents you’ll face and the opposing jungler will know precisely which champion to choose to counter you.
The odds need not be against you, however; there are jungle champions that have few to no countermatches and are adaptable enough to play around any opponent type.
So allow us to introduce you to these champions of game-saving.
Trundle 5.
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Trundle, the Troll King, smashes his way into fifth place.
The Troll King controls the jungle and is almost tough to infiltrate, therefore few champions can (or dare to) take him on.
He is highly flexible, excellent at ganking, dueling, and teamfighting, and his fast movement speed when coupled with his CC makes it simple for him to get out of awkward situations.
Trundle is a particularly strong blind pick in the current tank-dominated meta because of his ability to easily melt past tanks with his ultimate.
The only drawback?
You must smash the early game since he doesn’t scale well.
Hecarim 4.
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Would you want to travel over the Rift with a blind pick champion?
Few champions can equal or counter Hecarim’s amazing mobility speed.
He can easily outroam the opponent jungler, capture targets before the opposition team has a chance to respond, and execute successful ganks.
Additionally, he has CC integrated into his arsenal, allowing him to hinder the escape efforts of even the most athletic champion.
3. Nunu & Willump
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Nunu’s disco era is long gone, and the revamp has made him into one of League’s top blind pick junglers.
Nunu has almost no countermatches, excellent crowd management, and strong mobility.
His snowball can be used to initiate engagements from a distance, and his AoE ultimate excels in teamfights.
He can even easily accomplish goals because to his high Q.
So, yeah, your teammates won’t flame you any more for skipping smite.
Nunu’s capacity to stay in the game no matter how far he falls behind makes him a really pickable blind player.
He may still affect the game and help his team even if he is completely killed by an early-level invasion or a botched gank.
And if you like camping the opposition and tossing their spirit into obscurity?
Nunu will enable you to do this; his snowball makes it simple for you to repeatedly gank a lane.
Warwick 2.
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Warwick, the beast on the prowl for kills, honor, and that delicious, victory screen, comes in second.
Due to his incredible versatility, Warwick is a fantastic blind choice.
He really is “a jack of all crafts,” to use the cliché.
Do you want to take the brunt of the other team’s assaults by playing as a tank?
Yep. He has tremendous sustain thanks to his ultimate.
Want to give ganking and feeding your laners top priority?
Yes, he can CC any enemy’s escape strategy and hunt down adversaries with low health thanks to his W ability.
Or, if you want to transform into a squishy-devouring beast and demonstrate to your colleagues what “jung diff” really means?
Yep. Warwick is still in control.
He can quickly munch through opponents and turn into a killing machine because to his tremendous early damage output.
And to top it all off, he’s wearing one of the game’s beginner-friendly uniforms. In order to lead your team to success, you might also concentrate on the big picture.
1. Jarvan
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Jarvan is more than simply the Demacia Exemplar.
He is the perfect example of a blind pick jungler.
After all, there are very few champions that can neutralize Jarvan, making him very tough to counter.
Try using an assassin jungler to counter him. He is sufficiently healthy to take all the burst damage.
Using a stronger jungler? To halt you in your tracks, he has a ton of CC.
use a tank jungler? He’ll just dive past you and into your backline, negating the value of your contribution.
He also has great dueling skills, can’t be counter-jungled, and does both clearing and ganking quite well.
And if that isn’t enough to convince you?
Like Nunu, he is still a menace even if he lags behind.
With his flag and ult combination, he can always initiate teamfights, and the current meta’s strong choices for AoE team fighters and dive-oriented champions both work well with his kit.
Please take note that this material was produced utilizing Riot Games’ “Legal Jibber Jabber” policy and Riot Games-owned resources. This project is neither supported or sponsored by Riot Games.
“The Best Blind Pick Junglers in League of Legends” is a post that discusses the pros and cons of playing as a blind pick jungler. The list includes champions such as Amumu, Elise, Evelynn, Gragas, Kha’Zix, Lee Sin, Nidalee and Vi. Reference: lol blind pick.
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