Bugs can be found in any game, and fixing these bugs is a critical part of keeping your games safe. In this guide, we’ll discuss what happens when you find a bug, how to report the bug safely, and all other related topics that will help keep you safe from getting hacked or “griefed” by fowl players who are looking for ways to ruin your experience while they’re messing with their computer skills!
“What is involved in a bug fix?” is a question that comes up often. This article will answer the question in detail. Read more in detail here: what is bug fixes.
Back in May, I shared a google sheet with a list of issues I’m aware of, and now it’s time for the follow-up to explain the “difficulty scale.”
There are a few various types of issues I’ll be putting here, so I’ll do it by “family,” such as “works while blindedevading,” “scores are inaccurate,” “buggy functionality,” and so on. Others of them are guaranteed to be noticeable in gameplay, while others are less so, and some are clearly more UX concerns than anything urgent.
Evolve Monstrosity is unable to utilize the Force Move hotkey since it is not tied to it.
This is a simple change; Force Move is in the “ForceMove” slot, much as Hanzo’s Scatter Arrow is in the “Ability2” slot or Deathwing’s Cataclysm is in the “Heroic” slot, so all we have to do is add it to the ForceMove slot to make it work.
You couldn’t click near items you could attack to move closer to them before since force move didn’t function.
After that, you may use Force Advance to move towards anything you can attack, or you can just click on them. This has all of the strange issues that force move has, so you know it’s real.
There isn’t much to test since you can already give move orders via the smart command system, thus delivering a move command outside of it will have no effect.
While blinded or fighting an evading adversary, Blade of the Highlord delivers Sadism from Basic Attacks.
There are a lot other items that have this problem, and all of them can be corrected as simple as this. If you want to view the whole list, it’s on that google page.
Previously, Alarak made progress while Blinded remained still.
Alarak does not develop after that while Blinded.
This doesn’t require testing since it’s only applied from Basic Attacks and is a well-known validator, but there is one situation when it did – Hanzo’s Sharpened Arrowsheads – and Blizzard didn’t test it well enough. It utilizes a single effect to perform the armor decrease, which is shared by Basic Attacks and Storm Bow, hence the two must be divided into two separate effects.
Consuming Blaze does not reset the damaged timer, therefore it does not disrupt objects that have been disrupted by receiving damage; instead, it merely dismounts the character.
Let’s add Decloak (although this should be occuring because to how it all works), and also the things to wake people upreveal for 2s as is normaldeal 0.001 damage to reset the damage timer, based on how Gul’dan’s operates as a standard.
Gul’dan has previously completed the Hearthstone without interruption.
Following that, the Hearthstone is paused, as is the case with other damage over time effects.
The ramifications are simple: it will now decloak and deliver the least amount of damage it can, which will wake everything up, show Cho since it inflicted damage, and disclose the enemy for 2 seconds because it’s a standard that occurs without anyone understanding it.
Instead of increasing Deckard’s Healing score, the Potion of Shielding improves his SelfHealing score.
Just as with blinds, there are a few items whose stats are incorrect – not all of them in the same manner, so I’ll mention the several ways it may be incorrect; if you want to see the whole list, it’s in that google page.
Deckard heals Hanzo with Healing Potion first, and then Self Healing rises in proportion to the damage the Shield prevents.
Deckard then heals Hanzo with Healing Potion, which grows in proportion to the damage avoided by the Shield.
There is no need for testing since the mechanism is fully known.
Genji’s SelfHealing is not correctly attributed by Deflect.
Deflect currently grants protected, which prevents 100% of incoming damage, as well as a hidden other damage prevention that prevents 33% of incoming damage – this is how the Reflect talent gets to that 33 percent number, and it’s also this damage prevention that triggers Deflect actually activating.
There will be no video this time since the situation is identical to the one described previously.
Furthermore, while it is not noted in the bug list, Deflect has another problem in which it shows the region where you may search for targets to deflect to, allowing for absurd situations such as this.
No testing is required since the principle is generally known, however Deflect might be changed to just employ one damage absorber instead of two.
Shields given to Kerrigan for damage delivered raise her SelfHealing score, while simultaneously raising SelfHealing for damage stopped by those same shields. Shields should only be supplied for damage avoided. Shields given by Assimilation Mastery enhance Kerrigan’s SelfHealing score while also improving SelfHealing for the damage those shields prevent, but should only be used for damage avoided. Shields supplied to Kerrigan by Siphoning Impact enhance her SelfHealing score while also raising SelfHealing for the damage those shields prevent; nevertheless, these shields should only be used to avoid damage.
Because they’re all from the same family and appear on the same hero, I’m grouping them together. This is the amount of damage dealt:
It’s this for Assimilation Mastery and Siphoning Impact:
Ragnaros’ Shields from Tempered Flame have a similar problem.
There is no need for testing since the mechanism is fully known.
Li Li’s Healing score is increased by 2x when she uses Cloud Serpent’s Talents Healing.
To be honest, Cloud Serpent is a freaking disaster. The base Cloud Serpent Healing is about 80% good in terms of score, but it’s done through triggers for unknown reasons that break the remaining 20%, and then the talents grant Li Li 2x the healing score compared to what they heal. For example, if you heal someone for 15 HP with the Lightning Serpent talent, your healing score will increase by 30. Blessing of Yu’lon completely replaces the base heal with its own heal (which occurs 1 game loop later than the standard heal and can also be un-removed if you have an Abathur on your team, making Cloud Serpent pretty damned amazing, but we’re not talking about that right now), so if you heal someone for 60 with Cloud Serpent after picking that, you’ll gain 120 Healing score.
Now, there’s another glitch with the remaining 20% — if your team has an Abathur who clones Li Li, the healing from their Cloud Serpent will enhance Li Li’s healing, not Abathur’s. If they had access to talents, if it healed for 15, it would give Abathur 15 healing and the Li Li 15 healing. This problem also occurs if there are numerous Li Li on the team, with the first Li Li being “the Li Li.”
Fortunately, removing the trigger side of things and replacing it with the basic Cloud Serpent rising score through data is a rather simple repair. Perhaps the Serpent used to be owned by the target, necessitating all of these triggers, but that is no longer the case, and the libGDHL gt HeroLiLiCloudSerpentStatTracking is no longer required. libGDHL gt HeroLiLiCloudSerpentTurretSerpentSummonandSimplifiedAI is most likely still present, however it might be pruned to remove certain issues.
The floating fight text must be tested to ensure that it displays correctly, since it is now controlled in part by the deleted trigger to show the numbers to the host.
When D.Va is healed by Diverting Power, her SelfHealing statistic is not increased.
Make it inherit settings from the StormSelfOnlyHealingSpell effect, like most other healers do, and you’re done.
This would also address the problem where Diverting Power isn’t shown in the death recap, but because the mech can’t receive death recaps, it’s not something you’d notice. The ability should have been designed this way from the start, thus there’s no need for extensive testing to ensure it doesn’t break anything.
If the damage that imparts Nature’s Toxin to a Hero kills that Hero, Accelerated Contamination will follow them and provide Noxious Blossom a cooldown reduction.
This one is very straightforward – if it finds at least one unit being monitored by the DryadAcceleratedContaminationUnitTracker unit tracker, it provides the cooldown reduction, and something begins being tracked when the DoT is applied to them, and they cease being tracked when the DoT is removed. The problem is that if a buffdebuff is applied to something and then removed by another validator on that debuff in the same game loop, it will perform the remove effect before the initial effect, so it will say “I gotta stop tracking this because they’re no longer affected by the dot,” and then “well, I gotta start tracking this because they’re now affected by the dot,” ideally this would be fixed by an engineer, but that removes the easy part. Instead, we’ll make a simple fix: if the target is deceased, the tracker will be deleted.
Qhira’s Blood Rage has a similar problem, however it has the TrackingValidator of CasterNotDeadAndTargetNotDead, which means it gets deleted when the target or Qhira dies, but not if the target has a specific death state like Leoric. This may be addressed by include it in NexusHunterBloodRageUnitTrackertracker as well. This is important for the perks she gets from triggering Blood Rage, such as being able to attack two heroes to obtain Upstage, as well as the fact that it will dismount and damage the Leoric.
There is no need for testing since the mechanism is fully known. Blizzard partially corrected issue in the most recent PTR, however they used TargetNotDead instead of TargetNotDeadAndNoSpecialDeathState, therefore Leoric will continue to crash.
If D.Va is the final person on her squad to be created, her talents do not display on the talents page until unit selection has changed.
This one is about triggers, so the way it’s presented is a little different – it’s caused by the location of the PlayerSetHeroUnit and UnitSelect actions in the initial D.Va spawn logic, and you can see it for yourself by going into Try Mode as The Lost Vikings, waiting for both Heroes to spawn, and then changing one of the AI to be D.Va, and the talents for that D.Va won’t be visible until you change your selection
The PlayerSetHeroUnit action should be moved ahead of the UnitSelect action — they aren’t even near to one other at the present. It’s in the right sequence for Gall and all the other Heroes. This is also a flaw in the Call Mech and respawn systems, with Call Mech having the same issue with order of operations and respawning not even setting your Hero Unit to the Mech, but that’s irrelevant since the Pilot can show the talents and heroic cooldowns perfectly fine.
This one doesn’t have a lot of room for error – the PlayerSetHeroUnit action wasn’t always in the game; it was introduced in the 2.48.0 version, and when it was added, it was just placed in the incorrect spot on D.Va, and altering it doesn’t appear to have an overt influence on anything from my testing.
The Self-Destruct ability is not used by D.Va’s AI. This is due to the fact that it will only utilize it if the mech is dead.
You’ll only notice this if you’re playing VS AI or if you are trapped with an AI D.Va in PvP scenarios, but it’s still a problem that can be easily fixed.
The way the AI in Heroes works is that it has a list of scenarios where it’ll use each ability, like “there are 4 Heroes nearby”, “there are 3 Heroes nearby below 75 percent health”, “there are 2 Heroes nearby below 50 percent health”, “there is one hero nearby below 10 percent health” is part of the criteria for Self-Destruct being used, but there’s one particular part of it that is incorrect.
There’s a 6461518EE320338Fchild node in the 6881C38DDD84C9D4 node (an AND node, meaning all of its children must return as true), and that node has the 0C342A4251FAAB43 child node (UnitIsAlive, meaning that if the referred to unit is alive, return true, otherwise return false).
For the ability to be utilized, the root node for Self-Destruct expects the following to be true: Bunny Hop is disabled, Boosters are disabled, the Mech is not alive, the above-mentioned targeting parameters are met, and the ability is present on the unit.
Remove the 6461518EE320338F from the base node, and everything should be OK.
Anub’arak has another AI Tree with his Locust Swarm ability that I’m aware of; however, Anub’arak will not cast this ability since it’s searching for the AnubarakCarrionSwarm ability, not the AnubarakLocustSwarm ability. There are probably more, but these are the ones I’ve seen.
What’s the worst that can happen if this is fixed? It still doesn’t utilize Self-Destruct, does it? Is it using it in places where it shouldn’t be? It’s preferable than not utilizing it.
Sharpened Arrowheads lowers the target’s Armor before doing damage with Storm Bow.
This one is quite straightforward; it’s a problem with the sequence of impact.
Because the armor is applied first, the damage is higher than the tooltip damage.
After that, everything is in order.
Before we get to the next problem, there’s another issue with this talent: the Armor from Storm Bow will not apply if Hanzo is Blinded or if the target is Evading, since the effect is shared with the Basic Attack.
Basic Attacks used to apply it before doing damage, however it was modified, and the issue relating to blindsevading was introduced. There was also a point when it didn’t apply before Storm Bow’s damage. It’s had a tumultuous past.
I’ll also add Nova’s Anti-Armor Shells since it’s the only other case of this order of effect problem in respect to armor (there are others in relation to other things).
There is no need for testing since the mechanism is fully known.
While in Raven Form in the Hall of Storms and for 5 seconds after exiting, Medivh travels at 140 percent of normal speed.
As much as it hurts me to bring this out since I misuse another glitch with Raven Form and the Hall of Storms, this should be addressed, and it’s a simple repair, a relic from back when Mounting awarded a 40% extra movespeed and Raven Form was changed to match while in the Hall of Storms(why?). You’d have to contact Blizzard), but for the sake of clarity, we’ll put both possible remedies here.
To completely remove the speed increase, I feel the following remedy should be implemented, however it would be the most painful:
To have it genuinely match mount speed, do the following:
Now, the other issue we mentioned is a lot of fun: if you activate Raven Form within 0.0625 seconds of using a Portal, you are still considered as being within the Hall of Storms, allowing you to activate Raven Form immediately after using the Portal. This is particularly entertaining when combined with the 140 percent movespeed, which lasts for 5 seconds after leaving the Hall of Storms – so you make a Portal out of the Hall of Storms, use it, activate Raven Form in that window, and you’ll instantly mount up with 140 percent movespeed for 5 seconds. It’s fantastic. There are probably 700 different methods to remedy this, some more complex than others.
Medivh’s Raven Form’s usual movespeed is quite straightforward, and this is merely slapped on top of it.
If you move from 7 or 8 stacks to 10 stacks, Eldritch Conduit does not offer the 30% Spellpower bonus.
The way this buff works is that Eldritch Conduit uses a switch effect, which means it goes through a set of conditions and fires a corresponding effect if it meets the first one, and won’t do anything else. The problem is that it doesn’t have cases for gaining the empowered for anything other than 9 or 10 stacks of Eldritch Conduit.
This is a substantial change in how it’s administered, but it has considerably fewer bugs and an additional check to ensure that nothing goes wrong by deleting the empowered boost if you don’t have 10 stacks of the basic buff.
You could dump the present method it determines to be empowered, and the OrpheaEldritchConduitHas10Stacks on OrpheaEldritchConduit on OrpheaEldritchConduit on OrpheaEldritchConduit on OrpheaEldritchConduit on OrpheaEldritchConduit on OrpheaEldritch Empowered is required due to game loop nonsense discovered during testing, as well as to ensure that it is resolved appropriately.
If the target is below 50% health after the damage is done, Finishing Touch checks for the bonus damage. If the target is below 50% health before the damage is dealt, Finishing Touch checks for the bonus damage.
It’s a small issue, but it’s another example of the order of effect being off simply to make sure we have something listed for it that isn’t armor.
There is no need for testing since the mechanism is fully known. This would have been discovered if it had been tested prior to deployment.
The short stasis window of Mirror Image and the brief stasis window of Image Transmission cancel Bladestorm.
Some people are aware of my distaste for Samuro, but this is a pretty apparent one that has happened to practically everyone who has chosen Bladestorm, so it would be remiss not to put it here.
Previously, the bane of Samuro players all over the globe
Following that, Samuro spins as much as he can, which isn’t quite as much as Hogger.
Things might go wrong since we’re altering the validator, but a lot of things have exceptions like this, and duplicating their code works here as well.
Is it a Healthpack, or what? If Tracer grabs a Regeneration Globe while inside a vehicle, it heals it.
Nuff said
You may additionally verify that it isn’t a car, although this isn’t necessary.
The mana cost of Fel Claws is raised to 50 after using Blind as a Bat, and the cooldown is extended to 9 seconds.
Fun fact: Jaina had something similar to this.
Cho has something similar, although it’s after he’s used Surging Fist and extended his radius. Being a two-headed ogre is a pain.
The testing required here is that if those values change, these values must also change (or, preferably, be set to a constant to prevent this from happening).
Valla may Horse Up an ally riding a Caboose mount while Strafe is active.
There are a handful of them, with Leoric in Undying being one of the most powerful. Really, everything with it should be modified to utilize an ability whitelist rather than an ability blacklist, but hey, we’re just looking for quick solutions here!
Some of them were fixed by Blizzard a long time ago, and this patch is just copied from there. Outside of this and Undying Leoric, there’s still enough to do, and there’s no damage in temporarily blocking this since mounting is already blocked in the same manner.
Varian may cast Victory Rush manually by targeting an enemy and putting it on cooldown without healing him.
This one is a little more amusing, but we’re adding it because it’s one of those where the answer and the issue are both obvious.
This is acceptable to include since the game detects whether Victory Rush is accessible by checking its cooldown, not by an augment or something.
The repair wasn’t done this way in the most recent PTR patch, but it should still function.
If non-Heroes are also grabbed by the Maw, the display of Heroes captured in it may cease working correctly.
You’ve probably seen this if you’ve used Maw against an opposing Minion wave, since if a non-hero is taken, they’ll shatter it. There are a few options for fixing this, the most easy of which, in my view, is a UI-based solution.
The alternative option is to stop tracking non-heroes, but this technique is guaranteed not to harm anything since it’s solely a UI change.
Blizzard made the exact same change in the most recent PTR patch.
LifeMax and LifeStart are not the same thing.
Every single individual who has played the game since this issue was introduced has seen it, and the fact that it’s still in the game is the most astonishing of all.
The LifeStart is now set at 550, and this just adjusts it to match. The sole effect is to solve the UI error and allow MULE(please delete this talent) to heal it up to 550 instead of 250.
This was rectified in the most recent PTR patch, as was the invulnerability of fountains (eww)
After dragging, the Target Info Panel becomes unresponsive.
If you’ve ever used the target info panel, you’ve probably noticed this problem. It used to operate well, but it no longer does. What happens behind the scenes is that the render priority of the frames within it shifts around as you drag it around – I’m not sure why, but if those render priority settings are manually specified in each of the frames, the problem is resolved.
It was all strange and irritating before.
After that, everything looks lovely and consistent.
It’s simple to test and see if anything is wrong; simply check for units with additional information, such as the Knight Mage Mercenary.
Blaze’s Ignited Oil Spill damage is sometimes held by Blaze and sometimes by the Oil Spill.
The FirebatFuelLeakOilSpillUnit unit has the FirebatOilSpillTimedLife as part of its basic behaviors, rather than being applied by Blaze, which is why correcting it is all that is required.
To check whether this works, have a Blaze fire an Oil Spill, then have a D.Va cast Defense Matrix over the Blaze and see if all of the various Oil Spills have their damage decreased – before, Defense Matrix could only lower the damage of Flame Stream lit Oil Spills. This has additional consequences, such as revealing Blaze when those Oil Spills do damage.
Stitches’ Bile has a similar issue in that any Bile Pools deal their own damage, which means they can’t be reduced by Defense Matrix and can’t be affected by Spell Power because they aren’t set as “Summon damage.” The same is true here, where the initial Ignited Oil Spill could be affected by Spell Power, but any ones ignited by the link couldn’t.
Leech & Summons
This is a more entertaining one: presently, if you have the Nanoboost level 20 upgrade and are provided ability leech by an ally Ana, your summons will not offer you leech, unless they are Kerrigan’s Ultralisk, in which case they will.
Because the LeechRecipient setting on damage effects also looks at how to detect leech from outside sources, if the StormSummonedUnitWeapon effect parent to Creator is set to the creator, summons damage will now operate with leech.
This won’t fix the summons not being reduced by Defense Matrix, or the things where the summons deal damage but aren’t properly set to look at their creator for modifiers, but those are bigger fixes that are outside of the scope of what I’m talking about here (though I’d love to see Defense Matrix be useful against Zagara and Nazeebo).
This stuff would certainly need more testing than the others, plus there’s also Cho’Gall, where you could reference the Cho unit by setting Gall to have Cho as his creator, which would then allow leech to function with Gall and cure all of his flawed damage modifiers…
Obviously, there are other forms of issues, but this provides you a sense of what goes into making these modifications.
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A bug fix software is a program that fixes bugs in a computer program. It is typically used to correct errors or defects in the source code of an application, and can also be used to change features of the software.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does a bug fix take?
A: It usually takes about two weeks for a bug fix to be implemented by the developer.
How much does it cost to fix a bug?
A: This depends on the bug, how severe it is, and what materials are needed for fixing. For example- if a software engineer has to fix a minor glitch in an engine that can be fixed with some code changes, this would not cost very much at all. On the other hand, if one of these engineers were required to make substantial modifications in order to correct something like interference between different game engines (which requires hardware), there may be significant expenses involved here as well.-
How do you fix a bug step by step?
A: First, make sure the game is updated. You can check by going to your consoles XMB and looking at the Games section. If it says Update Required, you will have to update your game in order to fix any bugs that are present on the system.
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