The absolute best starting stats in Fallout 4 has been revealed. These are the stats that will allow you to start the game with a head-start, and prepare for your journey ahead of time.
The “fallout 4 best starting stats for guns” is a guide that will help you to start the game off with the absolute best weapons and skills.
We went back to Fallout 4 and made a few new characters, each with their own set of beginning stats. We’ve spent time studying and figuring out what the very greatest starting stats for Fallout 4 are, as well as the best build presently feasible, with a few small buffs and nerfs to certain perks.
It was evident from the start that Intelligence and Luck are the top stats in the game right now. Intelligence for its excellent benefits and the fact that it allows you to level up more quickly, and Luck for having one of the greatest perk trees.
But there’s a lot more to it than that. It may make a big difference in how you play the game if you have the correct point accumulation and customize your stats to your gaming style. We’ll go over each metric and why you should care about it, as well as the best beginning build presently available.
Understanding The Basics of Fallout 4’s Starting Stats
Strength, Endurance, Perception, Charisma, Intelligence, and Luck are the seven basic stats in Fallout 4, as they were in earlier editions of the game. For simplicity of usage, they are also known as S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Each stat has its own passive attribute, such as Intelligence giving you extra XP, and so on.
Furthermore, leveling up each stat to a certain amount unlocks a unique benefit, which improves in usefulness with each point invested in the stat. That said, not every perk is valuable in the early game, and investing in Strength initially vs Intelligence, for example, is a distinct difference. However, there are usually a few benefits that stand out in terms of their use among the others.
Strength lets you to carry more goods (weight) while also increasing the amount of damage each of your melee attacks does. If you punch and melee objects around you, you might consider investing in this stat. Strength isn’t going to help you if you’re more of a ranged player. As a result, we’ve also established that fact.
For every point you invest in strength in Fallout 4, you earn +10 additional capacity and 10% melee damage. Here’s a short rundown of all the benefits that come with Strength:
Perk | a brief Description (Level 1) |
Iron Fist | Punches do 20% more damage than kicks. |
Major League Baseball | Increases melee weapon damage by 20%. |
Armorer | Armor modifications at the basic level and Rank 1 are now available. |
Blacksmith | Mods for melee weapons at the basic level and Rank 1 are now available. |
Heavy Gunner is a kind of heavy gunner. | Heavy weapons do 20% greater damage. |
Back Support | To bear weight, gain +25 pounds. |
Aim Consistently | When shooting any gun, hip fire accuracy improves. |
Basher | Damage from gunshots is increased by 25%. |
Rooted | You gain 25% Damage Resistance when standing motionless, and your melee and unarmed attacks do 25% more damage. |
Train of Pain | Sprinting into adversaries while wearing Power Armor damages and staggers them. (The stagger has no effect on robots or huge foes.) |
For the vast majority of character builds, you’ll end up quickly finding out that you won’t need any more perks beyond Armorer or Heavy Gunner is a kind of heavy gunner. in most cases. This is because pretty much all characters are going to need armor at some point.
And, if you decide to use heavy weapons, you can always allocate points to get Heavy Gunner is a kind of heavy gunner.. Beyond that, Basher, Rooter, and Train of Pain are mostly melee-centric perks that we’ll be talking about later.
In contrast to Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 3, where Perception directly regulated the distance at which adversaries appeared on a player’s compass, enemies in Fallout 4 do not appear on the compass unless they are directly speaking for you.
Perception has two different advantages: it provides excellent benefits such as Locksmith and Rifleman, both of which are regarded must-haves. Additionally, it improves your V.A.T.S accuracy by 10% every point spent. Its total accuracy, on the other hand, cannot exceed 95%. As a result, there is still a limit.
The same rules apply to Perception as they do to strength. Each of the five initial bonuses is a must-have, and you can’t go wrong with any of them.
Perk | Description |
Pickpocket | Picking pockets has become 25% easier. |
Rifleman | Non-automatic rifle attacks result in a 20% increase in damage. |
Awareness | In V.A.T.S, you may see a target’s individual damage resistances. |
Locksmith | Advanced Locks may now be selected. |
Expert in Demolition | Your explosives now do 25% more damage, and you may make them at any Chemistry station. |
Person who is up at night | During the night, your numbers improve. |
Refractor | Increases your resistance to energy |
Sniper | When utilizing V.A.T.S, employing a scoped non-automatic weapon doubles your odds of knocking the adversary down. |
Penetrator | Allows you to use V.A.T.S. to target an adversary who is hiding behind cover. |
Fire that is concentrated | Using V.A.T.S to attack the same body section improves your overall accuracy. |
As previously stated, each of these perks is necessary and offers distinct benefits. As a result, using them in your first build might provide a number of benefits. Even if you don’t pursue this way, you may still choose these metrics later based on your requirements.
However, we still urge that you take advantage of the following benefits:
- Rifleman: Rifleman is one of the finest weapon perks in the game since it ignores armor and is particularly useful early on.
- Awareness: Being aware allows you to take down more difficult creatures with relative ease. Without the benefit, they may be a hassle to deal with.
- Locksmith: Being able to pick Advanced Locks so early in the game helps you to get better stuff much faster.
Unlike strength though, one point to note is that later perks like Sniper, Fire that is concentrated, and Penetrator can all be good for ranged and rifle users. So, investing in these, later on, can prove to be quite useful. If you are going to be using V.A.T.S a lot, you should probably invest more in Perception as it greatly helps with your success rate.
Endurance is an important SPECIAL stat to have. When you sprint, it determines your HP / hit points as well as the pace at which your action points drain. If you’re not sure how much HP you’ll receive based on your level, have a look at the table below:
HitPoints = 80 + E x 5 HitPoints Per Level: 2.5 + (E x 0.5), where E represents your Endurance Level and L is your character’s current level.
Before we go through each benefit on a more detailed level. Here’s a short rundown of everything:
Perk | Description |
Toughness | Gain a 10% increase in damage resistance. |
Belly of Lead | Reduce your exposure to radiation by eating or drinking less. |
Life-Giver | Gain +20 Maximum Health in an instant. |
Resistant to Chemicals | When you take chems, you’re 50% less likely to get hooked. |
Aquagirl | Swimming no longer causes radioactive harm, and you may breathe underwater. |
Resistant to Radiation | Increase your radiation resistance. |
Adamantium Skeleton is a skeleton made of Adamantium. | The amount of injury to the limbs is significantly minimized. |
Cannibal | Eating a human corpse now brings you back to health. |
Ghoulish | Radiation may now help you regain your health. |
Solar Energy | Radiation damage is repaired by sunlight, which also heals you. |
Unlike Strength and Perception, not every perk is worthwhile, particularly early on. There are a handful, though, that offer specific advantages:
- Life Giver: Having more health, particularly at the start of the game, makes it easier to endure difficult encounters.
- Belly of Lead / Aquagirl: Both of these perks come in the same ambit. They are extremely situational and won’t help most players. Therefore, they aren’t worth investing for in your starting build.
- Toughness: Toughness is only useful if you don’t have Power Armor. However, with a maximum damage resistance of just +50, you may discover that you may reach this by other techniques or simply by wearing extra armor.
Some of the more higher-level perks present in Endurance like Adamantium Skeleton is a skeleton made of Adamantium. are okay in certain situations. However, you can probably get by most of the game without needing them. You should only invest in Endurance if you won’t be using Power Armor.
Charisma is one of the game’s most complicated stats. It directly affects your capacity to influence people and modify how your part plays out in the tale as a player. It also has an impact on the maximum number of settlers permitted in a settlement:
Maximum Population = 10 + L, where L is your Charisma level.
Most perks aren’t worth having, and you’ll probably be able to go through the game without them. Charisma is similar to Endurance in this regard. Here’s a brief rundown of some of the benefits you may get with Charisma:
Perk | Description |
Collector of Caps | Vendors have greater buying and selling prices based on the skill’s rank. |
Black Widow / Lady Killer | In battle and persuasion, be more successful against the other sex. |
Lonely Traveler | If you’re going alone, you’ll take 15% less damage and have to carry 50 pounds more. |
Dog that attacks | Your partner now has the ability to hold an adversary and has a chance of bleeding or crippling them. |
Friend of Animals | Acquire the skill to calm wild animals. |
Leader of the Community | Supply lines may be established between your workshop settlements. |
Girl / Boy at a Party | There’s no way you’ll get hooked to booze. |
Inspirational | In fight, your buddy does greater damage and does not harm you. |
Whisperer of the Wasteland | Gain the power to soothe desolate animals. |
Intimidation | Acquire the power to calm desolate folks as well. |
As mentioned earlier, Charisma perks are situational at best and you can go through with the game without them. Collector of Caps is perhaps one perk that you should invest in. However, a perk like Inspirational, while quite good requires a lot of investment in Charisma in order to unlock it which ultimately deteriorates its value.
If you don’t use a companion (how dare you!), Lonely Traveler is great. Other than that, if you are into settlement building then the Leader of the Community perk is a must-have. As obvious, both these perks won’t make any difference to your gameplay if you have a companion or aren’t in the mood of building a settlement.
Intelligence determines the pace at which you acquire XP, in addition to giving you various benefits. Level 1 has a multiplier of 103 percent, while Level 10 has a multiplier of 130 percent. It also decreases the quantity of words shown on the screen while hacking a terminal, making the operation considerably simpler.
Here’s a short rundown of the benefits of the Intelligence stat:
Perk | Description |
V.A.N.S | V.A.T.S. displays the route to your nearest quest goal. |
Medic | Stimpaks restore 40% of lost health, while RadAway eliminates 40% of radiation. |
Gun Nut | Base level and Rank 1 gun modifications are available. |
Hacker | You’ll be able to break into more terminals as a result of this. |
Scrapper | When scrapping weapons and armor, you may retrieve unusual components like screws, aluminum, and copper. |
Science! | Base level and Rank 1 high-tech modifications are available. |
Chemist | chem duration has been extended |
Expert in Robotics | Hack a robot and you’ll be able to turn it on or off, or have it self-destruct. |
Physicist specializing in nuclear physics | Radiation weapons do 50% more damage, but Fusion Cores last 25% longer. |
RAGE OF THE NERDS! | When your health dips below 20%, time slows down, and you acquire +20 Damage Resistance and do 20% more damage for the duration. |
Intelligence is, in our view, one of the most essential attributes in the game. Aside from speeding up your levels, it offers one of the finest benefits in the game, with the whole stat tree having just one or two bonuses that seem situational at best.
Perks like Hacker are outclassed by Perception’s Locksmith, but they do have their uses. Overall, investing in Intelligence is a good idea, particularly when it helps you level up quicker in the long term.
You get 10 more AP for every degree of Agility you have (Action Points). These boost the quantity of points available in your V.A.T.S. as well as your sneaking ability. The following formula is used to determine your agility:
60 + (10 * Current Level) Agility
Your probability of pickpocketing rises by 1% for every point you gain in Agility. Because each weapon type has its own set of perk, almost every perk in Agility is relevant for a certain character build. Agility, unlike most other attributes, performs best when used late in the game.
Here’s a rundown of all the benefits you may get from investing in Agility:
Perk | Description |
Gunslinger | Non-automatic guns inflict 20% higher damage. |
Commando | Automatic weapons inflict 20% higher damage. |
Sneak | While creeping, it’s 20% more difficult to be detected. |
Mister Sandman is a fictional character. | Your silent weapons give a 15% bonus to attack damage. |
Boy / Girl in Action | AP Points recover at a 25% quicker rate. |
Changing the Target | When sprinting, damage and energy resistance are increased. |
Ninja | Sneak Attacks have a higher damage output. |
Quick Fingers | Increased reload speed |
Blitz | The melee distance in V.A.T.S. has been increased. |
Gun Fu | In V.A.T.S., more damage is dealt to the second target. |
While the first four perks are catered towards builds that prefer using pistols or automatic guns or ones who like using stealth or Power Armor, there’s no denying that they’re quite good perks. Boy / Girl in Action, in particular, is useful in almost every build.
With a higher investment in Agility, you can get your hands on the Ninja, Quick Fingers, Blitz, and Gun Fu perks which are all phenomenal in their own ways. Ultimately, there’s little to no shame in investing in Agility a bit later into the game especially given that most perks won’t benefit you immediately.
Throughout the game, luck influences, well, your luck. From regulating the pace at which your critical hit meter recharges to increasing the amount of caps and ammunition you discover strewn around the environment thanks to perks, Luck is a feature that should not be overlooked.
At Level 1 Luck, for example, it might take up to 14 strikes to fully restore your critical meter. At Level 63, though, you’ll only need one hit to replenish it. Here’s a rundown of all the Luck-related benefits available to you:
Perk | Description |
Finder of Fortune | More bottle caps may be found in containers. |
Scrounger | More ammo may be found in containers. |
a shambles | Enemies may sometimes erupt into a bloody crimson goo (+5% additional damage). |
Stranger, Mysterious | The Stranger, Mysteriouss will appear occasionally in V.A.T.S. to help the player |
Savant Idiot | Receive 3x XP from any action at random. The lower your Intelligence, the more likely you are to die. |
Sprint of the Grim Reaper | In V.A.T.S, every kill has a 15% chance of restoring all action points. |
Banker with a Critical Mind | A Critical Hit may be saved and used in V.A.T.S later. |
Clover with four leaves | Each strike from V.A.T.S has a possibility of filling your Critical Meter. |
Ricochet | An enemy’s ranged strike will sometimes bounce back and kill them instantaneously. |
Luck offers one of the best perks available in the game will all of them faring to be quite useful in one way or the other. In terms of what you should prioritize, going for Savant Idiot might feel a bit counter-intuitive especially if you have high Intelligence early in the game. Other than that, you should be fine!
What are the best stats to start with?
Now that we’ve gone over all of the game’s numbers, it’s vital to note that certain stats are better than others for two reasons. To begin with, they may be more useful than other statistics. Going for Intelligence, for example, will help you to get experience quicker.
Second, they could have better, more helpful benefits that are applicable to a broader range of people. For example, practically all of the benefits you get from leveling up Luck may be utilized to significantly speed up your progress.
Overall, if we were to rank each tree based on the quantity of high-quality benefits it provides, Intelligence and Luck would come out on top. Due to the aforementioned causes, Strength, Perception, and Agility would be closer to the center, while Endurance and Charisma would be closer to the bottom.
As a result, your investment in these numbers should ultimately be based on earning the benefits that these specific stats bring. At higher and lower levels, special stat benefits are practically the same. This enables you to start the game with a smaller investment in certain attributes and then gradually level them up later.
Fallout 4’s Best Starting Stats Build
Perk | Level |
Strength | 2 |
Perception | 4 |
Endurance | 3 |
Charisma | 2 |
Intelligence | 9 |
Agility | 4 |
Luck | 4 |
If you’re new to Fallout 4 or want to maximize the potential of your character, this stat build is for you. To operate properly with this construct, you’ll need to employ Power Armor.
With 9 Intelligence, you’ll be able to get Physicist specializing in nuclear physics right out of the bat which will make your fusion cores last longer. But, you’ll also be able to get by with a lower Strength value as your Power Armor will increase your Strength to +11 providing you with all the bonuses passive Strength provides such as increased Melee damage.
You’ll also be able to gain the Armorer perk if you can level up Strength even once, which gives you access to base level and Rank 1 armor modifications. In terms of our second low-cost investment, Charisma, you only need 11 of it, and you don’t need it all of the time.
At 11 Charisma, you will have a 100% chance to pass all speech checks. Provided that you are wearing some clothing and have consumables that boost your Charisma, getting to 11 should be fairly easy. As this applies to bartering, perks like Collector of Caps will allow you to get better prices when buying and selling. That said, we recommend leveling Charisma once or twice to act as a cushion for reaching 11 Charisma.
As for our largest investment, which is in Intelligence, it’ll help you level up faster but will also allow you to get all the perks off the Intelligence tree of which there are many like Physicist specializing in nuclear physics and Gun Nut. Just be sure to have a Dirty Wastelander, the Intelligence Bubblehead, and the You’re Special Book as you’ll need all 3 to reach 12 Intelligence for maximum XP gain.
A lot of our allocation other than that is quite balanced with Perception, Agility, Luck, and Endurance all being in the 3-4 range. This level of Perception allows you to get locksmith which is useful at all points in the game while 4 Luck still gives you access to Scrounger, Finder of Fortune, and a shambles. By simply leveling Agility and Endurance by 1, you gain access to Boy / Girl in Action for Agility and Resistant to Chemicals which is useful on all characters.
Between all these stats though, we recommend leveling up Luck first at the highest priority with the goal being to get Banker with a Critical Mind so you can boost the rate at which your Crit Meter fills up a lot faster. In general, this setup will allow you to have a decent choice of weapons alongside leveling up quite quickly.
While there are other distinct character builds to choose from, Intelligence has always been the best option. It helps you to level up more quickly, making the game simpler to play. Furthermore, the
What are the most essential Fallout 4 stats?
The most essential stats in Fallout 4 are Intelligence and Luck, as we’ve already established. Intelligence helps you to level up quicker, while Luck grants you important benefits that make your gameplay more efficient and enjoyable!
In Fallout 4, how many stat points do you get?
You get one skill point for each individual stat, plus an extra 21 points to use on any skill. As a result, you start with a total of 28 skill points.
Is Fallout 4 becoming tougher as you go through the game?
Fallout 4 captures the genuine nature of an RPG by making fighting opponents and surviving easier as you go through the game. This does not, however, imply that the game becomes stale or monotonous. On the contrary, you’ll have to combat more harder gangs and foes, which keeps the game interesting. You do, however, become stronger as you go through the levels.
Is it possible to max up everything in Fallout 4?
There is no genuine level cap in Fallout 4. So, if you put in enough time, you can acquire every perk in the game. You’ll need to be level 43 to max out all of your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points. You’ll need to be at least level 272 to max out all of your perks and S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points.
The “fallout 4 best special stats for guns” is a guide that will give you the best starting stats in Fallout 4. This article will also include some of the absolute best weapons to get.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best starting stats in Fallout 4?
A: The best stat to start in Fallout 4 would be Charisma.
Whats the most important stat in Fallout 4?
A: The most important stat in Fallout 4 is Charisma.
What is the strongest build in Fallout 4?
A: The strongest build in Fallout 4 is the Power Armor building.
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