This is a guide to help you get started on Farming Gold in Epic Seven, and hopefully give you some insight on the best ways of farming gold.
The “epic seven rune farming 2021” is a guide that will show you how to farm gold in the game Epic Seven. The guide includes information on the best methods for farming gold.
There are other sites where you can farm Gold, but these two techniques are the best and most constant in giving out big quantities of Gold:
- Safe-haven (Orbis’s Heart)
- Stages of the hunt during the “Blessing of Wealth” events
There are additional agricultural practices that are less well-known and undervalued in addition to these two.
In this article, we’ll go through all of the greatest ways to earn Gold, since even the less-than-ideal approaches will net you considerable gold gains in the long term.
Orbis’s Heart
The most reliable technique of farming Gold and Skystones passively is to collect your collected prizes in the Sanctuary’s Breath of Orbis every day.
TIP: It’s best to max up the Breath of Orbis (9/9 Levels) as soon as possible if you want to optimize your Gold and Skystone farming effectiveness using this strategy.
This will not only improve the maximum capacity and production speed of your Breath of Orbis, but it will also boost your chances of receiving double rewards each time you claim the gathered resources.
Gold-Fielding Hunts
Hunt Stages are the best area to harvest Gold for experienced players with the right troops.
This strategy will not only provide you with a large amount of gold, but it will also provide you with a large number of pieces of equipment that you can either sell or invest in (if they fit your standards).
For reference, the Wyvern Stage is the most popular hunt to farm. Starting with Stage 11, this will give out upwards of 12,000 Gold every run.
TIP: It is strongly advised that players wait until the Blessing of Wealth bonus is applied in Hunt Stages before proceeding. This will significantly increase the amount of Gold you get each clear.
For Gold, I’m Selling Fodder Equipment
One of the more apparent but underappreciated techniques is selling unwanted equipment.
Equipment drops often from fight stages in virtually every game mode, making it a popular – and ultimately expendable – resource that you should sell.
You may also utilize Fodder Equipment to enhance your higher-tier equipment, but it will cost you a lot of Gold.
TIP: It should be standard practice to sell uncolored (regular) and green-colored (good) equipment.
Keep in mind that equipment set cores may be taken from high-level Blue-colored (Rare) and Pink-colored (Epic) equipment.
It will be more cost-effective to just sell your Red-colored (Legendary) equipment to save Gold.
Purification of the Abyss
Purifying the Abyss Tower is perhaps the simplest method to get more Gold and Stigma.
You earn 3 Free Daily Tokens every day, and the higher you go in the Tower, the more Gold you may purify.
TIP: Make a habit of cleansing the Abyss Tower on a daily basis.
After all, even if you’re locked on a certain level in the tower, you’ll be able to complete it.
Missions of High Command
Clearing Missions of High Command located in the Sanctuary will give the least amount of Gold out of all the methods listed here, specifically on a day-to-day basis.
However, following this approach will get you some EXP points.
Simply put, Missions of High Command are perfect if you want to get some extra Gold while also training underleveled characters in your roster.
TIPS: For each High Command operation, try to choose Characters with the appropriate abilities. The amount of EXP and Gold obtained after each assignment will be increased as a result of this.
Gold Farming: General Tips & Tricks
You should take notice of a few factors that might effect your wallet if you truly want to accumulate gold:
- Selecting the Right Lobby Pets
- Getting Gold Buffs by Joining a Guild
- Keep an eye out for upcoming events
Because gold is required practically everywhere and may run out at any moment, these items can assist guarantee you have a few additional sources of revenue when times go bad.
Selecting the Right Lobby Pets
Good Lobby pets are hard to come by – and more harder to create.
Having one or two pets with a talent devoted to either generating more Gold or preserving Gold, on the other hand, may be a lifesaver.
In general, pets with talents like selling price enhancements (as indicated in the picture above) and cost reductions should be in your Lobby.
TIP: Pets give out presents that may include a lot of Gold and other precious materials, independent of their rarity or talents. As soon as you unlock them, be sure to put one in your Lobby.
More Gold Buffs by Joining a Guild
Joining a Guild (especially an active one) will provide you an extra Blessing of Wealth and Blessing of Knowledge account boost to go along with the ones you currently have.
More Gold will drop from Hunt Stages, Adventure Stages, and even Event Stages as a result of this!
TIP: Donate to your guild on a regular basis, since guild benefits cost guild currencies, which can only be obtained via member contributions.
Keep an eye out for upcoming events
Clearing Event Stages may be the thing for you if you don’t mind spending Stamina outside of Hunts and Adventure Stages.
After all, most Events feature a stage called S. Goblin’s Den (as shown in the picture above) that might earn your account a large amount of Gold.
Keep in mind that you can only pass this level once, and after you’ve gotten the Gold awards, you won’t be able to access it again.
TIP: Most events include Exchange Shops where you may trade in your Event Currencies for Gold. However, you should only do this after you’ve purchased the rarer or more significant things.
Epic Seven is a popular mobile game that has been downloaded over 10 million times. The “epic seven how to get good gear 2021” is a guide for farming gold in the game.
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